I2APM Training Activities

Training Day at the I2APM International Symposium 2016

As part of the I2APM International Symposium, the training workgroup held a day of training with sessions from C-SOPS, RCPE and CMAC. Prof Alberto Cuitino started the day with a presentation and discussion on “Continous Manufacturing for Solid Dosage Forms”.

This was followed by a joint interactive session from RCPE, with Dr Alexander Krok running a session on compaction, and Ass. Prof Heidi Gruber-Woelfler taking us on “A Wonderful  Journey to API Synthesis”.

In the afternoon, CMAC organised two problem solving sessions where participants were split into groups to work together - Prof Chris Price led a session on “Impurities: a neglected challenge”, followed by Prof Chris Rielly’s session on “Crystallisation process understanding and kinetic modelling “. The training day was wrapped up with a researcher networking session to further discuss collaborative research projects, and a total of 14 proposals for projects were obtained as a result. Many thanks to those who organised and participated - the event was a huge success.


CPD Training Package

The training workgroup are currently in the process of collating training material from all 3 centres, with the aim of producing a training package of teaching material from CMAC, RCPE and C-SOPS. This industry relevant package will cover different aspects of continuous manufacturing